we were just at the launch site and we’re ready to go with the balloon filled and everything ready. After counting down we released the balloon only to find out that we did not have enough helium! We are going to gt a bigger tank and try for a relaunch tomorrow.
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We are now enroute to are launch zone with launch party in toe

I flew in yesterday and Greg picked me up at LAX. We had the chance to test out the APRS tracking and it worked very well. We also were able to replace my defective radio at the ham city so that I now have a functioning gps unit. Last night we built battery package packs for the arduino and APRS units. Today we will be getting the helium tank that we will use to fuel the launch. We will also contact the FAA and give them the notice. Along with that we will finnish the final assembly of the capsule.

My yeasu vx8gr just arrived today along with the speaker mic and car charger that we will use to track the capsule as it flies I also received a hard copy of my license.

I just received my call sign and my transceiver is on the way.
My callsign is kd0pfn

I just got a new ticket ticket out I will fly on the 11th of August and will stay until the 15th the new launch date is yet to be figured out.

Tomorrow I will be heading to California to meet up with Greg so we can get this thing set up and in the air

Some great photos and video from Google’s high altitude balloon project:

Happy is set to launch on March, 25 2011. I have my plane ticket and will be in California to add the final touches to the Happy project. It is set to launch in a yet to be determined area of the Mojave dessert in southern California.